Lulu Rama terms and conditions
Lolorama would like to confirm that browsing the site and/or carrying out operations on it constitutes an agreement by the user to accept and abide by the terms and conditions.
privacy policy
As a company, we attach utmost importance to securing the information of our customers at Lolorama. All information contained on the site, whether provided by the customer or collected by cookies when using the site, is for the exclusive use of Lolorama to document the customer's purchases as well as for future campaigns. We do not sell, transfer, rent or trade this information to third parties.
Lolorama takes all precautions to ensure the greatest degree of confidentiality of information. The user's private details (e-mail only) will be saved at the user's request on the site for direct mail. For removal, please write to Lulurama Customer Service at: It will take about 14 working days to process the arrangement, from the day the order is received.
Cookies are an integral part of Lolorama and help us to provide you with a better buying experience.
Everyone who uses the Lolorama website hereby declares that he acknowledges and agrees to the cookies policy.
Of course, the customer can disable "cookies" if he wants to customize his browser.
Connect with Lolorama
For each question, note, inquiry related to site policy or for other topics related to information security issues and privacy policy, please enter our information page or leave a directive in our customer service center. is operated by TGE Ltd.